RE: T-Vice En Santo Domingo - 7 Y 8 Marzo 2009

Gwozago - March 7 2009, 7:46 AM

Raoul yours is the types of thinking rationel that is fueling that hatred between the two nations rather than taking a good look at ongoing problems between HAITIANS & DOMINICANS, oftentimes iniciated by DOMINICANS, & try to think of a potential solution toward these ever ending finger pointings from Dominicans toward Haitians.

You do not solve a proplem by pretending it does not exists, or by simply ignoring it existence.

Nor by being nonchalant, or adopting a "I don't care like attitute".

Those who dare challenge us to look at reality in its face, suggest that we find ways to deal with it as real men should, are no vagabonds, nor trouble makers like they've been quick being potrayed.

Instead, they're the true peace lover who would love to see genuine, comprehenssive,respectful understanding amonst people.& when that's not possible, if it would take raging wars against the antagonizers to that end, so must it be. Bob Marley has a song in which he sings," ..Excuse me while I light my spliff.

Oh God I gotta take a lift, from reality I just can't drift, that's why I staying with this switf.

Take it eassy...I got to take it easy".

But as a proud Black male, I don't find any of those words practical, nor entertaining.

In fact, no real man should have to get high, or just walk away from, & trying to run away from his own reality.

Having said this, I know there are a lot of Haitians with a gross misconception about peace that they believe by simply ignoring instigators, they would one day leave us alone.

That will never happen.

I do know that some of ours go to DR. Many by mere neccesity.

Others are trapped there.

It's not up to the average Dominican to try to understand what is really behind their presence in their own country, but as Haitian citizens, when our own govnt REFUSES to safeguard our well beings/dignity, we all still bear the responsibility to help solved these dilemas, even individually, in our own corner, the best we can. At least bringing awareness of these issues, rather than pretending they don't exist

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Well who care what dominicans think? It's a Haitian...

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T-Vice en Santo Domingo - 7 y 8 Marzo 2009

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Haitian, Dominican, Hispaniolan, get over it! It is...

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