About voodoo you must read this

Mee - October 29 2007, 12:20 AM

About voodoo you must read this

Great..Haitians are now promoting Voodoo in the USA..that's just great..

Do you know why Haiti has been cursed for 200+ years?

it's voodoo my friend.


Voodoo is the act of worshiping the devil.

You can paint pretty pictures of voodoo all your want, but it's simply the devil's religious.

It has blood, flesh, sacrifice of animals, etc...I mean it's the worst thing on earth.

I, myself (a haitian born) would never ever, promote vooodoo for money since I have a councious.

I would never promote it for money since money can't buy my sanity.

i just would not promote it ever..

neither on the net, tv, or radio.

So, Woodring Saint Preux, I hope you are listening and do not make it easy for these uneducated people to promote their uneducated garbage, their cruel (cruel act on animals) act, their ma gi gri on the net.

a Haitian internet webmaster similar to you.

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Rasin Festival 2007

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There's an african saying: "when the white men came...

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