alan cave and jbeats album release party

Saturday, August 16, 2014
10:00 PM
Lal Qila Lounge
4771 Britt Rd
Norcross, Georgia
Event Details
Saturday August 16th, 2014 Jbeats and Alan Cave album release party. Lal Qila Lounge, 4771 Brill Rd, Norcross, Ga
Adm $25(advance) 10Pm to 4 Am
Info: 678-777-4265
Birth Day Bash for Mews, Wilson, Elizabeth, Madeline, Fresko Lakay, and Dj X
It's an all white Affair
All Comments (3)
Rachel Isaac says...
I am interested in getting information on vip seating for this event.
Plz email me the cost and how many ppl it covers.
Rachel Isaac says...
I am interested in getting information on vip seating for this event.
Plz email me the cost and how many ppl it covers.
Rachel Isaac says...
I am interested in getting information on vip seating for this event.
Plz email me the cost and how many ppl it covers.
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