Casting Call for Haitian Actors
Event Details
Casting Call for Haitian Actors
Female : 21-35 years old , dark skin.
Male : 25- 35 years old , dark skin.
The person must be Fluent in creole , and available for shoot in August.
Send head shot , resume , Reel , and side reading Video link to :
The side reading is:
padone 'm
The side reading is just one word but the one word must be performed in these different scenarios below.
1- Person asking God for forgiveness
2- Cheating spouse asking for forgiveness
3- after killing a couple , you feel bad for their new born child .
4- at the cemetery burying your mother who you could have saved if only you were around instead you went partying .
5- Being sarcastic after you tell a very funny joke on your best friend
The video doesn't have to be professional, it can be from a phone or any other video recording devices.
Please respond as soon as possible!
All Comments (1)
please RSVP me plus one. I am interested in auditioning for a part in the movie.
I am a 26 year YOUNG female thats dark
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