two rooms - one bath for rent - se orlando - next to 417obtjyp.oa ft
Event Details
WANTED: TWO MATURE WORKING GENTLEMEN; SMALL FAMILY WITH TWO WORKING ADULTS AND ONE SCHOOL AGED CHILD; SINGLE PARENT WITH ONE, OR TWO SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN. YOU CAN RENT ONE ROOM FOR $350, OR BOTH FOR $600. SHARED ONE FULL BATHROOM - THIS IS A 3 BEDROOMS, AND 2 BATHROOMS ONE LEVEL CHRISTIAN HOME WITH A TOTAL OF 3 ADULTS HERE. I AM 52 YEARS OLD, AND OCCUPY THE REST OF THE HOUSE. Your rent includes utilities, cable, internet, ac, heat, trash, access to house phone, usage of kitchen, and parking for your car in the driveway off the street. SECURITY DEPOSIT IS $400, OR $650 AND IT WILL COVER YOUR LAST MONTH RENT WITHOUT A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR NOTICE. The extra $50 is for a cleaning lady to come in after you move out, and get the place ready for the next person. If you have the followings please do not respond to my ad: addictions, pets, bad temper, criminal record, sex offender record, or big life dramas. Smoking is only outside. NO PET. I do not want overnight guests, parties, or people simply hanging out here and this is not a hote or motel. I reserve the right to charge you extra for electricity if the bill gets crazily high after you move in, and it is pretty standard. I try to conserve energy, and expect my roommates to the do the same. You cannot live here without background checks, and clearance from the sex offender database or registry. The Home Owner will conduct its own investigation, and wants copies of all your documents. If you are looking for a clean, quiet, safe, peaceful, and cheap place to live in a great area please send an email. You, and the roommate will be responsible for cleaning after yourselves. We can all three put money together, and hire my cleaning lady twice a month. I am a pretty reasonable, and laid back person. I am open to communication, and negotiation with decent human beings. I have zero tolerance for scammers, drug addicts, messy grown ups, and con artists. If you are a big time troublemaker please do not respond to my ad, and it will not work. My ideal roommates would be two mature working Christian gentlemen who are respectful, conscientious, courteous, responsible, serious, discipline, and have a morale compass. If you have bad temper, loves to argue, is loud, obnoxious, violent, and cannot afford to pay me my rent money I urge to skip this ad. It is an excellent location, and you will be close to everything. I will give you additional details if you are interested, and are qualified to rent my place.
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Hello, I am interested in your ad, I don't it is too late since there is no
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